Talleres Felipe Verdés, S.A.

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Since its founding in 1908, Talleres Felipe Verdés, S.A., provides clay preparation and shaping machinery to the brick and tile industries.  Verdés can supply the equipment required for any plant, whether you use a stiff extrusion or a soft extrusion.

MECO has been the authorized sales agent for Verdés in the US and Canada since 2001. 

Adrià Balfulluy Osés

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Talleres Felipe Verdés, S.A.
c/ Metalurgia, 2
PO Box 172
08788 Vilanova del Camí
Barcelona -Spain
Phone:  +34 93 806 06 06
Fax:  +34 93 806 04 11
Email:  comercial@verdes.com